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We Are Located In
Kingston, Ontario

To end the suffering of animals with rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and education.

Sat, 12/17/2016 - 12:44 -- Alison
  • Rescued animals

Ever wonder what it costs to save a life? How about 71? That’s how many animals we've rescued since the start of our fiscal year (Apr 1). During that time, 95% of our expenses have been for veterinary care:

  • Spay/neuter - $5,861
  • Surgery - $10,378
  • Special needs care - $14,516
  • Vaccines/deworming - $8,343
  • Other (equipment, special food) - $2,019

TOTAL: $41,117

We are very proud of how we manage our finances. So far this year, 95% of every dollar donated has gone directly to medical care. Truly, it’s all for the animals.