When we first saw Haley in the flesh, that is exactly what she was: flesh and bone. We saved her from euthanasia knowing that she would have a profoundly difficult journey. Found stray and diabetic, she weighed 50% of what she should.
Since her arrival in late March, Haley has had countless vet visits, including a trip to an internal medicine specialist, extensive testing, and she is now on a third type of insulin as she continues to battle the disease. Most recently, Haley faced a recurrent bladder infection that took repeat testing, several types of antibiotics, and months to clear. Just today we got word that her repeat urine culture from earlier this week is negative!
Earlier this fall, we opted to start using a Freestyle Libre glucose monitoring system for Haley. She wears a sensor, which allows us closely monitor her blood sugar. This is extremely useful as her diabetes is not yet fully controlled and her insulin continues to be adjusted in the hopes of finding the right balance.
We didn’t know if Haley would survive. In 10+ years of rescue we had never seen an animal in her condition. While her diabetes is very much still a challenge, Haley has had so many victories. Just recently she hit her target body weight! And through it all Haley has been amazingly resilient - with her gentle presence and doe-like eyes, she has certainly padded her way deeply into our hearts.