Last Sunday night we had a big scare with Riley, this little cutie. Her foster mom noticed that she seemed to not be feeling well. She called us immediately and within the span of 20 minutes Riley seemed so ill that her foster mom worried she might not make it. We rushed her to the emergency pet hospital (it was around 12:30 am).
Riley couldn't hold her head up and was extremely sleepy. Her body temperature was 33 degrees, she was suffering from hypothermia. They began to warm her up and did a series of tests. Riley's prognosis was very guarded. We didn't expect that she would make it through the night.
At 3:45 am the hospital called. We thought the worst, but Riley was okay! She had woken up, ate a bunch of food and was playing! Her blood sugar had dipped causing hypothermia. Luckily with her foster mom's help, we were able to respond quickly. Riley made a full recovery, returned to her mom and siblings the next day.