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We Are Located In
Kingston, Ontario

To end the suffering of animals with rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and education.

Tue, 02/23/2016 - 22:44 -- Alison
  • Zara the bunny
  • Zara in the wood pile
    Zara in the wood pile before she was rescued.
  • Zara after being rescued
    Zara just after she was rescued.
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In the fall we were alerted to a pair of domestic bunnies roaming in a Kingston neighbourhood. They had been living in a hutch in someone’s backyard and escaped. Their (supposed) guardians didn’t care or want them back. They were content to let them fend for themselves.

A kind family managed to catch one bunny and asked for our help with the other. When we arrived we found a white bunny had tucked herself into a stack of firewood. She was dirty, tired and terrified. We surrounded the stack of wood with fencing and carefully dismantled the pile until we reached her. Zara (and her brother Cola) came into our care that day.

We thought that day was the last of the bad ones for Zara. Sadly we were wrong. Zara is suffering with an undiagnosed respiratory issue. We had hoped it was a simple infection and would be easy to treat. Two trips to a specialist in Toronto and two rounds of antibiotics have made it clear that’s not the case.

A foreign object (like hay) lodged in her sinuses or a tumor or other growth is now believed to be the cause. A CAT scan is required to fully assess the situation. These are expensive and only done at the Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph. Once the scan is done and Zara’s diagnosis fully understood she would likely undergo rhinoscopy.

Between the CAT scan and surgery, Zara’s medical needs will cost approximately $2,000.
We need your help.
Please donate to help Zara breathe easy.

Choose to donate to the Go Fund Me campaign or via PayPal/CanadaHelps

April 19, 2016 8:00 am: Zara is on her way!

Zara is on her way to the Ontario Veterinary College! KAR co-founder Jessica left Kingston last night in anticipation of Zara's appointment at 9:30 am this morning.

Zara will first be examined and then undergo a CAT scan later in the morning. Following that we will know for sure what the next steps are. Please keep Zara in your thoughts.

Zara on her way to Guelph  Zara set up for the night

April 19, 2016 10:45 am: Zara is being preppared for a CAT scan
Zara arrived safely at the Ontario Veterinary College this morning. She underwent a thorough examination and is being prepped for a full-body CAT scan. That scan will guide our next steps. It is mostly likely that Zara will have surgery later today.

Zara arriving at OVC  Zara being examined

April 19, 2016 8:00 pm: Zara is having surgery!

Zara's CAT scan showed that she has a mass on her trachea. A sample of the mass was removed under ultrasound and we got the news we were hoping for. The mass on Zara’s trachea is not cancerous! It is an abscess and it is operable.

Zara is staying at the Ontario Veterinary College for the next few days and will undergo surgery to remove the abscess on Thursday April 21. Her abscess will be cultured and Zara will be prescribed a long course of antibiotics.

While the location of the mass makes the surgery more challenging, her surgeons believe she will recover quickly. Zara hasn’t had it easy in her short life so far. Found abandoned outside and living with labored breathing for the last few months despite several treatments, we are so hopeful for Zara’s future.

Zara's CAT scan  Zara under ultrasound

April 21, 2016: Zara is out of surgery!

We are so happy to share that Zara had surgery today to remove the abscess on her trachea and it went well! She is out of surgery and in recovery (the pink on her neck is an antiseptic wash to prevent infection). Zara will stay at the Ontario Veterinary College for at least a few days until we know she is stable and eating on her own. Only then will she make the journey back to Kingston.

Thank you so much for your support! Zara is one step closer to the life she deserves.

Zara in recovery