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Kingston, Ontario

To end the suffering of animals with rescue, rehabilitation, adoption, and education.

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 23:11 -- Julian
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Meet beautiful Rosie!

There is no doubt, Rosie is the Queen of her household. This beautiful girl wants all the attention, so much so that she thrives much more as the only pet in a household or with a quiet dog. Rosie does not like other cats and is slow to warm to new people. Once comfortable, this flirty girl lets you know what she wants- from her happy, hungry chirps to remind you it's breakfast time, to the fanciest somersault roll to show her belly.

Rosie will bring endless amounts of smiles and long cat stretches into your life. She is a shy cat until won over- but once she gives in, she is a wonderful companion. She has the best manners and we assure you she is a refreshing change from a curtain climbing, mischief seeking cat!

Rosie does have a sensitive stomach and can be prone to constipation so she is on a veterinary high fibre diet and over the counter laxative to keep her regular. She also has a heart arrhythmia which requires medication to help prevent any complications. Anyone who adopts her would need to continue with this treatment. She takes her medication well mixed into her wet food, making administering it quite easy!

If you think this pretty little girl makes your heart skip a beat, apply online today!

Rosie is spayed, up to date on core and non-core vaccines and microchipped. Rosie was declawed prior to her surrender.
More about Rosie
Animal ID:21-009
Breed:Domestic Shorthair
Age:9 years
Spayed or Neutered?:Yes
Location:Foster Home